A selection of successful public policy campaigns Empower Consulting has supported
Gun control - In 2019, Empower was engaged by physicians alarmed by the increase in gun injury they were witnessing. Empower worked with the grassroots coalition to create a comprehensive national campaign - Canadian Doctors for Protection from Guns (CDPG). Further impeding the group's efforts was a narrative that federal policy action on gun control was politically unfeasible and an aggressive campaign by the gun lobby to discourage new voices on this issue. Through strategic leveraging of other community stakeholders and a persistent media presence - including by organizing a 14-city national day of action - CDPG shifted the public discourse on gun violence to be viewed through the lens of public health prevention. Policy briefs, parliamentary committee presentations, and meetings with federal government officials helped facilitate substantive change, including final passage of Bill C-71 in 2019, legislation strengthening background checks for new gun licenses and other measures, a ban on assault weapons in 2020, and a freeze on the sale of handguns in 2022. Public investments to address social determinants of gun violence have also been made, and additional legislation aimed in part at reducing firearm suicide is forthcoming.
Refugee health care – Empower began working with a group of physicians operating under the banner of Canadian Doctors for Refugee Care in spring 2012. The physicians were campaigning against cuts to federal health care coverage for refugees implemented by the government, including to children and pregnant women . Empower helped the doctors expand their campaign into a national initiative involving a number of health care groups while generating significant media coverage and public support. Empower advised on and supported several, multi-city National Day of Actions, organized press conferences on Parliament Hill, and created and maintained a significant online and social media presence. During the 2015 federal election campaign, the refugee health issue received significant attention, including in the Leaders’ debates. In February 2016, the federal government restored all health care services to refugees.
People’s Budget campaign – A collaboration with Public Response for the Ontario Federation of Labour, the People’s Budget campaign was created to engage Ontarians in a discussion on what they would like to see included in the 2013 provincial budget. The campaign included the drafting and release of a “green” discussion paper, a nine city community consultation along with an online consultation, media relations, and the drafting and release of a report containing the recommendations from citizens and community groups. The report was shared with the government in advance of the release of the 2013 Ontario Budget. The campaign was pleased to note many of its recommendations reflected in that Budget – including on income inequality, infrastructure funding, and youth. The 2014 Budget also included recommendations from the People’s Budget.
Fair taxation - In the spring of 2012 Empower supported a campaign by a group of physicians to change the public conversation on taxes. Concerned about income inequality and years of tax cuts that have disproportionately benefitted the wealthiest of Canadians, Doctors for Fair Taxation and other citizens and groups began to organize media interviews, draft letters and articles, and pursue a grassroots advocacy initiative directed at the minority Ontario Government. Our efforts were successful – the government agreed to amend its budget to include a modest tax increase on individuals earning more than $500,000 per year and a number of positive columns appeared in major newspapers supporting our campaign. In addition, public opinion polling showed strong support for the concept of fair taxation.
Water conservation legislation – Working with Public Response, Empower supported a campaign by a coalition of environmentalists, progressive businesses, labour and municipalities to encourage the creation of provincial water conservation legislation in Ontario. Leveraging a strong digital campaign backed by grassroots advocacy, written submissions, and media relations, the campaign was successful. The Ontario Government passed the Ontario Water Opportunities and Conservation Act in late 2011.
Food allergen labelling - Empower had been supporting Food Allergy Canada (formerly Anaphylaxis Canada) in its campaign for clearer food labelling regulations for three years (Christopher has food allergies himself). Just as it appeared important new regulations were about to be passed, they were held up due to lobbying by the beer industry. The community was worried the regulations would not pass before the 2011 federal election which meant the entire multi-year process would have to begin again. In short order, a creative, multi-faceted media, advocacy and grassroots mobilization campaign was designed to highlight the reason for the delay of these important regulations and pressure the federal government to pass them quickly. In the end, the regulations passed (with an exemption for beer).
Gun control - In 2019, Empower was engaged by physicians alarmed by the increase in gun injury they were witnessing. Empower worked with the grassroots coalition to create a comprehensive national campaign - Canadian Doctors for Protection from Guns (CDPG). Further impeding the group's efforts was a narrative that federal policy action on gun control was politically unfeasible and an aggressive campaign by the gun lobby to discourage new voices on this issue. Through strategic leveraging of other community stakeholders and a persistent media presence - including by organizing a 14-city national day of action - CDPG shifted the public discourse on gun violence to be viewed through the lens of public health prevention. Policy briefs, parliamentary committee presentations, and meetings with federal government officials helped facilitate substantive change, including final passage of Bill C-71 in 2019, legislation strengthening background checks for new gun licenses and other measures, a ban on assault weapons in 2020, and a freeze on the sale of handguns in 2022. Public investments to address social determinants of gun violence have also been made, and additional legislation aimed in part at reducing firearm suicide is forthcoming.
Refugee health care – Empower began working with a group of physicians operating under the banner of Canadian Doctors for Refugee Care in spring 2012. The physicians were campaigning against cuts to federal health care coverage for refugees implemented by the government, including to children and pregnant women . Empower helped the doctors expand their campaign into a national initiative involving a number of health care groups while generating significant media coverage and public support. Empower advised on and supported several, multi-city National Day of Actions, organized press conferences on Parliament Hill, and created and maintained a significant online and social media presence. During the 2015 federal election campaign, the refugee health issue received significant attention, including in the Leaders’ debates. In February 2016, the federal government restored all health care services to refugees.
People’s Budget campaign – A collaboration with Public Response for the Ontario Federation of Labour, the People’s Budget campaign was created to engage Ontarians in a discussion on what they would like to see included in the 2013 provincial budget. The campaign included the drafting and release of a “green” discussion paper, a nine city community consultation along with an online consultation, media relations, and the drafting and release of a report containing the recommendations from citizens and community groups. The report was shared with the government in advance of the release of the 2013 Ontario Budget. The campaign was pleased to note many of its recommendations reflected in that Budget – including on income inequality, infrastructure funding, and youth. The 2014 Budget also included recommendations from the People’s Budget.
Fair taxation - In the spring of 2012 Empower supported a campaign by a group of physicians to change the public conversation on taxes. Concerned about income inequality and years of tax cuts that have disproportionately benefitted the wealthiest of Canadians, Doctors for Fair Taxation and other citizens and groups began to organize media interviews, draft letters and articles, and pursue a grassroots advocacy initiative directed at the minority Ontario Government. Our efforts were successful – the government agreed to amend its budget to include a modest tax increase on individuals earning more than $500,000 per year and a number of positive columns appeared in major newspapers supporting our campaign. In addition, public opinion polling showed strong support for the concept of fair taxation.
Water conservation legislation – Working with Public Response, Empower supported a campaign by a coalition of environmentalists, progressive businesses, labour and municipalities to encourage the creation of provincial water conservation legislation in Ontario. Leveraging a strong digital campaign backed by grassroots advocacy, written submissions, and media relations, the campaign was successful. The Ontario Government passed the Ontario Water Opportunities and Conservation Act in late 2011.
Food allergen labelling - Empower had been supporting Food Allergy Canada (formerly Anaphylaxis Canada) in its campaign for clearer food labelling regulations for three years (Christopher has food allergies himself). Just as it appeared important new regulations were about to be passed, they were held up due to lobbying by the beer industry. The community was worried the regulations would not pass before the 2011 federal election which meant the entire multi-year process would have to begin again. In short order, a creative, multi-faceted media, advocacy and grassroots mobilization campaign was designed to highlight the reason for the delay of these important regulations and pressure the federal government to pass them quickly. In the end, the regulations passed (with an exemption for beer).